In this episode of “Let’s Code React Native” series, we are going to build a clean looking Cryptocurrency app based on the design created by David Morgan on Dribbble. Plugins Links Starter Template Source Code
LCRN EP9 – Digital Wallet App – React Native UI
In this episode of “Let’s Code React Native” series, we are going to build a clean looking Digital Wallet app based on the design created by Happy Tri Milliarta on Dribbble. Snippets navigation > tabs.js screens > Home.js (Dummy Data) Plugins Useful Links Source Code
LCRN EP8 – Food Delivery App – React Native UI
In this episode of “Let’s Code React Native” series, we are going to build a good looking Food Delivery App based on the design created by ILia on Dribbble. Plugins Useful Links Source Code How to generate Google Maps API Key for Mobile App? How to integrate Google Maps in React Native App?
How to integrate Google Maps in React Native App?
In this blog post, we will integrate Google Maps to our React Native App with react-native-maps library. First, we initialise new React Native project with command below: Please take note that in this blog post, we are using React Native version 0.63 After we initialise our new project, we will need to change directory to […]
How to generate Google Maps API Key for Mobile App?
First, go to Google Cloud. If you does not have an account, you are required to sign up an account in order to proceed next step. If you already have an account, please sign in to Google Cloud. After login to Google Cloud, go to Google Cloud Console. Create a new project via screenshots shown […]
LBW EP1 – Shopify (Free Trial) Landing Page Cloned – Fully Responsive – HTML and CSS
Today we are introducing a brand new series called “Let’s Build Website” where we are mostly going to show you how we develop websites based on some certain design from scratch by using HTML, CSS and perhaps some JavaScript. In this very first episode of “Let’s Build Website”, we are going to clone the Shopify […]
Introduction of web scrapping with Python
In this series of blog posts, we will introduce 2 methods to perform web scrapping with Python: Method 1: Using requests and BeautifulSoup This method is applicable for web page which having static or server side rendered content. However, this method is not applicable for web page that rendered by client side Javascript. Method 2: […]
Django Installation in Windows
These are the steps to install Django in Windows environment. ** Important Notes ** Use Command Prompt instead of PowerShell. 1.Download and install Python. Remember to add Path to environment variable. 2. Download and install PIP. 3. Install a virtual environment. 4. Create a virtual environment for all Django projects. 5. Activate the virtual environment. […]
How to create multiple targets in XCode?
If you are currently working for a company as an iOS developer, chances are you might need prepare your app to be run on different environments (e.g. Development, Testing and Production). Different environments will usually run on a different set of data such as the initial setting data or more specifically the API URL might be different.
How to save retrieved SQL server result to excel with Python?
Prerequisites: Ensure you have Python 3 and SQL server install on your environment If you not sure how to retrieve data from SQL server with Python 3 and how to write data to excel file wtih Python 3, you are recommended to read through other blog posts below if you find difficulties to follow this […]